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health and safety policy

Health and Safety Policy

By creating and maintaining a safe, health and performance-promoting work environment and comprehensive health management, we stand by our responsibility to our personnel, because they are the key stone of the business success of Systec GmbH & Co. KG.

Therefore, Systec follows the following principles:

  • Occupational Health and safety is seen as one of the most important tasks of management and executives.
  • The primary goal is the general avoidance of industrial accidents and company-related illnesses.
  • Workplaces are basically designed to be ergonomic, safe and healthy.
  • Compulsory, optional and optional preventive care examinations are actively offered and employees are encouraged to take up preventive care.
  • The occupational safety and health policy enjoys the same status as our quality, environmental and human rights policy.
  • Every employee is encouraged to submit suggestions for improvement.
  • Necessary investments for the continuous improvement of occupational health and safety are made immediately.

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